join team beef oregon.

What is Team Beef?

Team BEEF Oregon is a community of runners, cyclists, nutritionalists and fitness aficionados of any level who recognize the nutritional benefits of beef and the vital role high-quality protein plays in their training. Team BEEF Oregon is open to all Oregonians who want to promote beef, be physically active and share about eating beef in a healthy lifestyle. Each Team Beef member has an opportunity to learn the real story of beef, from pasture to plate, giving them an in-depth knowledge of the wonderful power of beef protein! they take us along their journey of learning and growing in their physical health and share how beef has helped them along the way. 

Benefits for Team Beef Members 

  • Complementary Team Beef apparel and Beef merchandise. This varies depending on your Team BEEF classification. See descriptions below. 

  • Participant event entry fee reimbursement per year for 2 of our 3 categories. 

  • Team Beef Member of the Year recognized at Annual Convention. 

Requirements of Team Beef Members

  • Complete MBA class online- this class will give you an inside look into the beef industry and how best to promote it on your Team BEEF Oregon journey!

  • Social media posts on weekly basis. Suggested hashtags to follow and use are the following:
    #TeamBeef #TeamBeefOregon #BeefItsWhatsForDinner #FuelForTheFinishLine #PoweredByProtein #BeefFit #EatMoreBeef

  • Volunteer at events like AgFest and the Team Beef Ranch Run Weekend. 

  • Wear Team Beef Oregon jersey/shirt at registered event with final “finish” photo tagged and shared in various social media outlets

What Kind of Team Beef member are you?

This year team BEEF is expanding to allow different types of athletes to apply and be an avid supporter in different ways! See their descriptions below.

Team BEEF Elite
Limited to 5 Members

This would be for more of the professional athletes. Ones who are competing on a regular basis, with a larger following on social media and a bigger competition community.

Team BEEF Elite will be required to:

- Post regularly on social media (2 times a week), help share and post content on social media platforms.  

-Required to either volunteer at one BEEF promotional event per year or serve on the Team BEEF committee.

 -Be required to take a more advanced course of the Masters of BEEF Advocacy.

 -If they serve for more than a year, they will be required to take yearly MBA courses to stay abreast of new and ever changing facts and statistics pertinent to the industry.  

Team BEEF Elite members will receive a higher event entry fee budget of $100 per year, and 2 apparel items of their choice to wear at events from the new Team BEEF Squadlocker site, with a maximum value up to $70

25 Members

This main portion of the membership will continue virtually in the same manner as before with a $50 per year event budget and 1 apparel item selected by them for the Squadlocker site with a maximum value of $40. This is for the traditional home based fitness and nutrition enthusiast.

Team BEEF Ambassador
10  members

This group will be more for the ones looking to share recipes, nutritional info, with occasional activity on social media (on average 3 times a month). The perks for this group will be reduced in comparison to the others with only a traditional t-shirt ($25) for team BEEF, educational pamphlets and BEEF merchandise.Team BEEF Ambassadors will not be reimbursed for events. This group will be for beginning fitness and nutrition people, or just about ANYONE wanting to share the powerful benefits of BEEF. 

*All Team Beef participants are required to submit a receipt of purchase for registration as well as proof of completion. Participants will also have to verify social media press as well as a finish line/completion photo to be utilized by TBO for promotion purposes before reimbursed for said event(s) by end of OBC fiscal year, June 31st. 

Have questions? Want to know more about Team Beef Oregon and how you can become involved? You can find us on Facebook and Instagram as Team Beef Oregon or Send us an email at