Oregon Cattlewomen scholarship

We are pleased to announce that several scholarships will be available this year for eligible college students. The amounts may vary, with no less than $500 awarded.

THE 2024 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION is currently closed. stay tuned for the 2025 application process to open soon.

The Oregon Cattlewomen are pleased to announce they are sponsoring multiple scholarships with no less than $500 awarded per qualified applicant.

The Scholarships are awarded on the basis of interests, future plans in Ag., Activities, and an industry recommendation indicating that the applicant shows promise in their field of study.

Scholarship Criteria:

1.) Must be a college student who is a graduate of an Oregon High School or has a GED diploma from Oregon.
2.) Must be at least a Sophomore standing by the Fall term of the year the Scholarship is applied for. Graduate Students and previous recipients ARE eligible.

3.) Must have a minimum cumulative college GPA of 3.0.
4.) Must be majoring in or working toward a career that will benefit Agriculture. This may include, but is not limited to, Large Animal Veterinary Medicine, Nutrition, Fabrication, Agri-business, Ag Communication, Ranch Management, Agronomy, Diesel Mechanics, Agri-Law, Ag Education, and other Agriculture fields

To submit an application for a scholarship, please fill out this form AND:

  •  Attach an essay (250+ words) that explains the reasons you have chosen the field that you

    are majoring in and your future plans for involvement in Agriculture. Any essays that are

    direct copies from previous years will be disqualified.

  • Resume with high school and college information

  • Current college transcripts

  •  2 letters of recommendation with contact info from individuals who have knowledge of

    your field of study (other than parents, relatives, or counselors)

Applications must be postmarked or emailed by May 31st of the current year.

They can be sent to fossilhomerun@gmail.com or mailed to:

OCW Scholarship Committee C/O Gabrielle Homer
PO Box 368
Fossil, OR 97830